Launching Our New Sliding Scale Pricing For Build School

We're happy to announce a new initiative aimed at making our Build School courses more accessible to everyone

 Why Sliding Scale Pricing?

Well at Common Knowledge, we believe that the skills and knowledge needed to build should be available to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. For this reason, we’re introducing a sliding scale pricing model designed to ensure that more people can join our Build School courses, to start on your building projects with confidence and community support. 

We’re doing this so we can allow for a greater uptake to Build School while also giving you an opportunity to invest in your building skills and confidence at a more affordable rate if that’s what you need right now. We’re excited to see how this initiative will open doors for so many more people.

One of our past participants, Dee O’Sullivan, perfectly summed up the impact of her time on  Build School: "The skills and knowledge I gained at Build School played a huge part in saving me tens of thousands on my own build. Best investment I ever made!”. 

Stories like Dee’s remind us why we do what we do, and that there is huge value in the skills learned at Build School at our standard pricing. However, we know that the cost can be a barrier for many which is why we’re putting this in place, before a necessary price increase for the course kicks in next year after two years of fixed pricing. 

As part of the sliding scale initiative, we’re also expanding our access program and giving those who are in a position to contribute more the opportunity to someone else’s build journey. Did you know that there’s always a waiting list of folks eager to join Build School through our access program?  

We have always funded one spot per course, but the demand is much greater, so to address this, we’re launching a “supporter” scheme. This will allow generous community members with the means to help fund a place for someone who might not otherwise be able to afford it by contributing €100 towards their fee. So if you’re in a position to pay a bit extra you’ll be contributing to the gift of Build School to someone who needs it – how amazing is that?

How It Works

Starting from Mid July 2024, our Build School course will allow you to choose a payment option  most suitable for you. Here’s a breakdown of the new price points: 

Subsidised Place: €650 – Low cost places for those who need financial assistance to make participation possible. The cost is subsidised by Common Knowledge and those who ‘pay it forward’. Places are limited, so we ask that you only choose this level if it is the only way you will be able to join Build School. 

Standard Place: €850 – The regular price that covers the cost of running the course - the default choice for most attendees.

Pay It Forward Place: €950 – For those who can afford to support others whilst learning by helping to subsidise the cost for others. By choosing this level, you’ll help us continue to grow and foster a supportive learning environment for all.

It’s worth noting that regardless of the level you choose, you will receive the exact same experience at Build School.

How to Enroll

We hope this new pricing model will open doors for many more individuals to gain the skills and confidence to take on their building projects.


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