Common Knowledge is for everyone.
We believe that our differences as individuals strengthen us as a community.
This is mirrored in the value we place on diversity and inclusion, in the way we hire, in how we communicate and how hold space for our community.
In any of these respects, we do not tolerate discrimination based on gender identity, nationality, neurodiversity, sex, marital status, family status, socioeconomic background, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion, or membership of Traveller or other minority ethnic group.
We know from meeting many people in the course of our work that these experiences have often led to a feeling of exclusion from communities, skills and work and are keen to be a part of changing this.
If you share our values in terms of diversity and inclusion, but are concerned in any way that Common Knowledge is not for you, please let us know so that we can understand and seek to address the cause.
We acknowledge the various challenges and privileges we have as an organisation, and are committed to continuous improvement in making Common Knowledge a place for all.
In 2023, we will again run our annual diversity and inclusion training with our team and will be creating a diversity and inclusion policy for Common Knowledge to reflect our ambitions in this area whilst recognising the learning journey that it represents.
If you would like to contribute any thoughts or feedback that could support us in this journey, please address it confidentially to info@ourcommonknowledge.org.
With love,
Fionn Kidney, Erin McClure & Harrison Gardner - Co-Founders of Common Knowledge
Jess Hayden - Chairperson, Common Knowledge