Clare residents invited to apply for our 2023 Build School Access Programme

Following the success of our 2022 Access Programme, Common Knowledge is partnering with Clare Local Development Company to offer five of their SICAP Programme clients the opportunity to attend Build School.

At Common Knowledge we are committed to supporting the development of a diverse and inclusive community. Although the cost of our courses reflect the resources required to create learning experiences we can feel proud of, we recognise this expense is a barrier to people attending.

We also understand that there are times in many of our lives, where we can feel excluded from opportunities to learn skills due to who we are or our individual circumstances. Through our Build School Access Programme, our intention is to remove any barriers to participation.

Access programme - details

A total of five places will be offered across four Build School dates outlined below.

For each person coming to Build School on our Access Programme, Common Knowledge will offer:

  1. A place on the course, which includes two meals and other refreshments daily, all course tools, materials and tuition (valued at €850)

  2. A place to stay, in a shared room at our guesthouse (valued at €175 for Build School)

  3. An invite to join our online community, The Commonage.

In addition, Clare Local Development Company will provide:

  1. Support in completing the application below if needed - please reach out to your relevant SICAP staff in Clare Local Development Company.

  2. If you face any further barriers in attending Build School, please mention this in your application and highlight it to SICAP staff. Contact via email

If you face any further barriers in attending Build School, please mention this in your application.

Who can apply?

Applications are welcome only from people working with Clare Local Development Company.

We are especially interested in hearing from people for whom the course could be transformative, particularly in accelerating progress on addressing a challenge in your life. 

We are interested in hearing from all genders and age groups and particularly from those from disadvantaged and marginalised groups including members of the traveller community, asylum seekers, refugees, people with criminal convictions and LGBT+/queer people. 

About Clare Local Development Company Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme

Read more about CLDC’s SICAP programme after the form below.

Applications are via this form:

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) aims to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies. SICAP addresses high and persistent levels of deprivation through targeted and innovative, locally-led approaches. It supports disadvantaged communities and individuals including unemployed people, people living in deprived areas, people with disabilities, single parent families, people on a low income, members of the Traveller and Roma community and other disadvantaged groups. Further information:


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